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Grilled Tofu Salad

Tofu has been sighted as a cholesterol-lowering food and generally as a healthful source of mononuclaic acids. This is the best way I know of preparing tofu without sauteing in oil. In fact, I find this method even tastier than the sauteed variety. Tofu is a bland substance and must be highly flavored in order to taste interesting. This dish will appeal to children as well as adults, and will of course, be thoroughly enjoyed by all strict vegetarians. Bon appetit!

Grilled Tofu Salad

Serves 4

1 pound tofu, firm

12 ounces mixed baby greens

8 ounces lentil sprouts

Drain tofu as early as possible before marination. If just bought today, then start to drain as soon as you get it home. Place tofu in colandar or on folded kitchen towel. Cover with plastic wrap and put a small water-filled heavy saucepan on top (or other similar heavy weight) and allow to drain for as long as possible. Then, in shallow baking dish, combine marinade ingredients and when tofu feels dry to the touch, at least 30 minutes (preferably an hour), cut into 1/2 inch slices widthwise. Place tofu pieces to marinate at room temperature for at least 30 minutes, turning to insure even penetration of marinade. Wash and assemble salad of mixed greens and lentil sprouts.

Preheat grill on medium heat. Brush grill with oil or spray with Pam. Place tofu slices in center of grill and allow to brown for 5 minutes. Then flip and brown other side also for 5 minutes. If broiling: Brown on both sides until done.

Remove tofu from grill. Place on wooden chopping board, and cut into 1/4 inch thin strips. After greens have been dressed with dressing of choice, place strips as shown on top. If desired, add 1/2 tablespoon sunflower-sesame mix per person and serve immediately. For additional starch, serve with crusty fresh bread.

Calories (kcal): 248

Total Fat (g): 11.5

Saturated Fat (g): 1.7

Cholesterol (mg): 2.7

Carbohydrate (g): 3.4

Sodium (g): 148

% Calories from Fat: 35.1

Total Fat (g): 16%

Saturated Fat (g): 7%

Cholesterol (mg): 0%

Sodium (g): 1%
