Integrative Breathwork

The roots of Integrative Breathwork come from the use of Non-Ordinary states of consciousness for healing and personal transformation. The roots of Breathwork can be traced to Shamanic practices, healing rituals and rites of passage. Drumming, Trance Dance, Chanting are some examples.

Using the Transformative power of Non-Ordinary states of Consciousness accesses deep levels of emotional and Psychosomatic Healing. This material can be used as an aid to some on their journey toward self-discovery and self-knowledge. The collective unconscious mind opens up during the breathwork and it comes through. Breathwork is like an Alchemical process in which Transformation and Transmutation takes place.

The music is the key element - if we don't have music we don't have Breathwork. The music is like a MAGIC CARPET...... the breath is the unseen fuel that makes it go. In most cases as we completely surrender to the music the experience follows a classic curve:

1. Build-up of emotions
2. Physical manifestations
3. Culmination
4. Resolution


1. Exploration: infancy, youth, and general exploration of the psyche.
2. Identification: the process with the music.
3. Catharsis: the blockages dissolve with the emotional expression. The release takes place at the emotional level.
4. Disequilibrium: from the opening up of the catharsis.
5. Reorganization: re-evaluation, time to look within, reconciliation, eventual forgiveness, renewal, and insight
6. Equilibrium: A slower process, we do it all the time, we re-integrate. It's a life-long process. Energy, Light, Creativity.

** The main objective of the Breathwork music technique is to activate the unconscious, to unblock the energy bound in emotional and Psychosomatic symptoms and to convert the energy into a stream of experiences. Breathwork activates the unconscious in such a way that the results are a Non-Ordinary state of consciousness.

** Breathing -- The method is simple, we just increase the rate of breathing. We breath faster, deeper and more effectively than usual and with full awareness of the inner process.

