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To Absolutely Florida -->


impression: when your ad is viewed

Get Impressive Results!
Using independent auditing software provided by Webtrends, Inc., Absolutely Florida guarantees that you only pay for the impressions (hits or page-views) your ad receives. We provide monthly tracking reports that detail your ad's exposure to Absolutely Florida's worldwide audience.
Don't Have a Website Yet?
Let us create a maximum impact, minimum cost website for you, with all the style and experience of Absolutely Florida.
Call 1-800/267-3546 for details

Much more than just a listing service or an Internet directory, Absolutely Florida is also an award-winning online magazine which supports our advertisers with monthly editorial features, giving readers a credible firsthand look at interesting aspects of the Florida travel and leisure experience.

Tile Display with Hyperlink
(2 x 2 inches)
Hyperlinks to your ad or website. Choose from editorial positions, listings, interactive maps. Provides very cost-effective visibility.
5,000 impressions $100
only 2¢ per impression!
$100 set-up fee required
High-Impact Banner Display with Hyperlink
(7.5 x 1.25 inches)
Provides superb visibility located atop each page and hyperlinks directly your ad or website. Only 1 banner per page.

Premium Position - placed atop the page of your choice, limited space available.
5,000 impressions $500
10¢ impression

$100 set-up fee required

Rotating Position - displayed atop 5 related sections of Absolutely Florida.
5,000 impressions $250
5¢ impression
$100 set-up fee required

Hyperlinked Expanded Listing
Includes 50 words of descriptive text, logo or photo and hyperlink to your ad or website. Listings are linked to interactive maps.
$30 per month

also available:
Audio & Video
Multilingual Translation Services
Advertising Design
Website Design

for quotes, please call 1-800/267-3546
