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This hammock is only a small remnant of the once vast Gulf Hammock that was known statewide. Expansive Waccasassa Bay State Preserve is 30,784 acres of salt marsh dotted by picturesque wooded islands interlaced by numerous tidal creeks. The extensive salt marshes and tidal creeks are breeding and nursery areas for hundreds of species of saltwater fish and shellfish. Many endangered and threatened species, including manatees, bald eagles and black bears, may be seen within the preserve.


The Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve is approximately 4,000 acres of diverse habitat such as salt marsh, pine flatwoods and sand pine scrub. The area is home to a variety of wildlife. Existing service roads can be used as trails. Because of its status as a state reserve, the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission allows hunting from September through December in the Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve.

Waccasassa Bay State Preserve/Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve is located six miles east of Cedar Key on S.R.

24. For more information, contact:
Waccasassa Bay State Preserve/Cedar Key Scrub State Reserve
P.O. Box 187
Cedar Key, FL 32625
(352) 543-556

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